Sunday, July 28, 2013

7 Marvellous Physical Occurrence nevermore seen

Venezuela's Everlasting Storm

Friday, July 26, 2013

10 Most Moron Brilliancy

 The man who can burp at 110 decibels

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Remarkable Voluptuousness Jet internal Design

 Flying from place to place can be stressful and tiresome, but private and chartered jets are able to change the experience to one of pure delight. High-speed Internet, lavish furnishings and aesthetically pleasing designs are opening up the field of customized interiors. And this may be just the thing for those whose lifestyle requires plenty of time in the air. Inside these amazing luxury jets, comfort is never sacrificed and every detail is painstakingly

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The 24 Most Quaint brunt in Baseball memorials

1. Ken Griffey Jr. missed a game when his protective cup slipped and pinched a testicle. (I spent four years in journalism school and three decades as a sportswriter wondering if I'd ever get to write such a sentence.)

10 Stunning Brutes Glare in the Murk

 Bioluminescence in animals is one of nature’s most fascinating phenomena and may greatly delight the casual observer. However, the showy displays of light produced by the creatures themselves, or by luminous symbiotic microorganisms, serve a range of important purposes. Predatory anglerfish may use bioluminescence to lure victims, while other species glow in order to attract mates or distract enemies.
Bioluminescence naturally occurs in an array of aquatic vertebrates and invertebrates along with land invertebrate species, but human intervention has brought about some other less likely glowing candidates as well. Read on to discover 10 incredible glow-in-the-dark animals – and a few surprises to boot.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Amazing Light Art Performance Photography

An Headpiece Check up

 1. A lady read a book, turned the light out and went to sleep. In the morning, when she saw in the newspaper that a ship had sunk drowning all on board, she committed suicide. Why?

Impact of Smocking

 What will happen if you smoke everyday in huge proportion?
Here is an interesting artwork with leaf, that showing how much is
that “good”........

Miraculous God name take a form in Brinjal

Felicia Teske of Boothwyn, Delaware County was preparing fried eggplant for dinner. Upon slicing the eggplant she noticed that the seeds in one slice appeared to spell out the word "GOD". Her husband Paul looked at the sliced eggplant and couldn't believe it either, calling Action News. Felicia told Action News that she recently had family members pass away and it is comforting that "GOD" appeared.......

15 Curious Creature Beck

 I had a revelation the other day that there are probably some funny signs out there related to animals. Sure enough, the wonderful users of Flick r were already on the case. Here's a collection of my favorites.......

50 Maximal Quotes on Men

Before success comes in any man’s life, he’s sure to meet with much temporary defeat and, perhaps some failures. When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest and the most logical thing to do is to quit. That’s exactly what the majority of men do. Napoleon Hill

Today’s post as you can see from the title itself is dedicated to men. Well, technically women since they would be the one trying to find answers about men. After researching all day I have been able to compile this post with quotes that might answer some questions and some, as always, will remain unanswered no matter how hard we try.........

18 Anormal Photographs Taken at the Exact Time

Sunday, July 21, 2013

7 most wonderful Transformation of before and after pics

The Zombie Boy who underwent amazing make-up transformation for a commercial

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